About the Comanis foundation

Comanis foundation
Comanis is committed to the worldwide promotion of projects in the fields of education and development – especially for the moment in southern Africa. The foundation is non-commercial in character and supports educational programmes for children and young persons. Equally, Comanis strives to achieve the long-term protection of animal populations and their habitats.

All schemes and projects are independent of political, confessional and ethnic bias. They are long term in character. The foundation’s principal aim is to foster and assist self-help within individual projects.

The foundation also operates:

• as a go-between in the networking of different partners (interdisciplinary cooperation)

• as an inspection body – regular quality checks are carried out on site

• as a support body in project management (control/definition)

Not least, the Comanis notion is also based on the long-standing networks and expertise that exist at the places where projects are implemented.
Copyright Comanis[br]Source: http:// https://www.comanis.ch/en/purpose/purpose.htm