School project South Africa


The provision of support to Umnqophiso kindergarten in Lwandle Township (near Sommerset West, South Africa) has given rise to a new project involving the mothers of children attending this school.

Working in conjunction with the Berne artist (xxxx), a work project was developed which allowed women to have independent home-based work. Using recovered paper and simple additional materials (recovered paper and glue), they make jewellery. Since the start of the project in the early summer of 2006, various workshops have been held to enable the participating women to make paper "beats" and then to join these together to form chains. The expert on-site support by Wilga du Plessis has allowed us to successfully support families for three years with this project; the families being able to provide for a livelihood with this work. .

Repaper Project Wilga du Plessis and Stefanie Luginbühl teaching how to make the beats
Photo C.Itten

Comanis foundation
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