Pre School project South Africa

Pre School Umnqophiso in Lwandle Township

The kindergarten is situated in the township of Lwandle, approx. 20 km east of Capetown. It is one of the many townships that has sprung up in the Cape region as the result of an influx of people from all parts of South Africa and the surrounding countries. The people who live here hope to find work in the Capetown region. Many are unemployed because of a lack of vocational training and education. Working women frequently have children at home who are left to their own devices, especially at a pre-school age. In the Umnqophiso kindergarten, children are supervised in the absence of their mothers. Thanks to the support of the Comanis Foundation, an extension wing was able to be built onto the existing school. 45 children now have the opportunity of attending lessons daily.

Umqophiso Pre School Activities
Photo C.Itten

Comanis foundation
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