
This short film shows our work with the camel back trackers in the area of KD2 (121564643, MOV, neues Fenster)

Camelback tracker project

Photo by A. Fleury

The efforts and energy from all team members allowed the trackers camelback patrols to be operational by end of 2023, after 3 last months of limited activity due to the poor vegetation and draught at this period of the year.
All along the year, the Tanate SD management and consultants have been supporting the teams, ensuring their logistic and safety, constantly improving their equipment and investing into all the required technical means.
The next steps in 2024 will be to finalize their teams training on the electronic gear (Cybertracker on smartphones, GPS, Satellite phones) before they operate their first full KD2 survey in March 2024.

Photo by A. Fleury

Tanate Sustainable Development has been focusing on its trackers camelback patrols project in 2023.
After selecting 24 camels from the Tsabong camel park in November 2022 and pre-training them, the camels have been transported in a farm in the Ghanzi area in order to ensure the camels and riders training with a Sahara explorer and camel expert.

After 2 months of intensive work, the 24 camels have been moved to a temporary camel farm nearby the village of Zutshwa in KD2 where the patrols will be operating. The farm has been fenced and built under Tanate SD management and investment to receive the camels.
From June to beginning of October 2023, the teams have been practicing on different distances and environments in order to increase their operational capacities and gain experience before their first surveys & patrols in 2024, cumulating more than 1000 kms on off road camel patrols.

15 years of great collaboration

Derek Keeping and Corinne started to work in 2008 with the community of Zutshwa

Camel Expediton into KD2
2021 has also been the opportunity to introduce the trackers / camels ecopatrols project to the Zutshwa community which expressed its support to this long term project generating local employment and preserving the wilderness. By combining the traditional knowledge of tracking and the use of camels in the remote South Kgalagadi, the ecopatrols will ensure wildlife monitoring missions in KD2 on the long term and will bring extremely valuable data to the different government and NGO structures working on wildlife conservation in the area.

Along 2021, Tanate SD has put lots of energy in collaborating with and holding the community hand through the different studies and applications processes with the local administration, in order to setup the basis of this camels farm/ecopatrols project. A detailed management plan has been provided to the local Land Board and 2 different business plan options have been proposed to the community leadership and the local Technical Advisory Committee. The agenda is to potentially start building the camels farm and start the ecopatrols in 2022.

Recognition of support by BGP

Comanis Foundation has supported Big Game Parks financially during Covid

Visitor to Red Tiger Lodge Eswatini (BGP)

Night visit by a small spotted genet (see video below)

small spotted (61948760, MOV, neues Fenster) Night visit to Red Tiger Lodge Mkhaya Game Reserve

Rainwaterharvest & Solarkit Project in Zutshwa

Rainwater & Solarkit Project
• Rain water harvest project : Tanate SD has funded a 30 000L rain water storage in Zutshwa community. The rain water is harvested from the local salt mine buildings and stored in big 5000L jojos. The water stored can then be used by the community for domestic use during the dry season which improves the community livelihood. The project also avoids the rain water to flood the salt mine during rainy season which improves the salt mine efficiency.

• Solar kits project : 175 solar kits have been distributed to the Zutshwa community compounds with the help of the Village Development Committee. The solar kits allows to recharge a power bank through a solar panel and then to use the solar energy stored to light the compounds with the provided led bulbs and recharge the families mobile phones.

Tracker Evaluation April 2021 in KD2

Tracker Evaluation April 2021
The first event of 2021 has been a trackers selection organized by Tanate SD in March 2021 in order to identify, within a pool of 60 applicants, the 12 trackers and the 3 herders who will be employed for the trackers / camels ecopatrols project.

Article in Daily Maverick about Pro & Contra of Rhino Horn Trading

Rhino horn trading Pro and Contra article Daily Maverick

Rhino Press Tour 28th of August - 2nd of September

Review of the Rhino Press Tour

Rhino Press Tour

Last Day

Rhino Press Tour

4th Day of the Rhino Press Tour

Rhino Press Tour
Visiting Hluhluwe and Umfolozi

Third day of the Rhino Press Tour

Visiting Big Game Parks Swaziland
Rhino Press Tour

Second Day of the Rhino Press Tour

 Visiting the John Humes Farm
Rhino Press Tour

Spoor Survey October 2015

Spoor Survey October 2015
Comanis, in collaboration with Zutshwa community, Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP), and local and overseas volunteers, completed a landmark wildlife survey of KD2 Wildlife Management Area during the final week of October this year.
It was the first time in history that DWNP’s wildlife aerial survey using fixed wing airplanes has been simultaneously compared with ground-based methods of wildlife census. Comanis-Tanate members along with volunteers from Botswana, South Africa, and Canada drove the very flight paths flown by the airplanes, which follow north-south lines of longitude bisecting the KD2 landscape. It was 650 km of challenging off-trail driving and navigating combined with meticulous data collection under an oppressive late dry season Kalahari sun.
The trackers of Zutshwa were of course the indispensible keystone to the survey. They directed each 4x4 vehicle and volunteer team through the spectacular savannas of KD2 on their allotted share of transects, tip-toeing the tires around burned stumps and shrubs to avoid punctures while simultaneously scanning the bush for wildlife or reading the sand for fresh tracks. Indeed each team drove their routes twice: once while spotting wildlife directly (line transect distance sampling technique) and then a second pass in the opposite direction to record fresh animal tracks.
To everyone’s fortune, the DWNP flew the lines within the same week, marking the first time such 3-way comparison of wildlife counting techniques has been achieved anywhere in the world. Furthermore, it is milestone for citizen-science in Botswana - the first time that wildlife has been surveyed rigorously by local community members themselves within a Wildlife Management Area.
We worked hard but had fun too. Despite breakdowns and other mishaps, every team seemed to have unusual luck with wildlife sightings: close encounters with large antelopes, cheetahs, honey badgers, African wild cats, brown hyaena, aardwolf, Verreaux’s (giant) eagle-owls, prides of lions and a pack of wild dogs in camp, plus a spotted hyaena chasing after one team in their vehicle to boot.
We shall be working closely with DWNP over coming months to analyze the survey data. An unexpected preliminary finding was the numerous eland utilizing KD2 – there were more eland counted than even gemsbok or hartebeest. Herds churned up extensive swaths of sandy savanna like overstocked cattle, and one team counted a group over 1000 strong! Considering eland’s known sensitivity to human disturbance and suspected long-term declines throughout the Kalahari, this was indeed a positive finding.
The trackers received their new and long-awaited 2-piece uniforms, caps, and South African Army leather boots. Additionally, the laser rangefinders that were acquired for the survey are being donated to DWNP Headquarters to assist each of 6 regions of the country with their ongoing distance sampling field surveys.

Our Partnerorganisation Tanate Wilderness Botswana

Our Partnerorganisation Tanate Wilderness Botswana
If you are interested in some more information about Tanate Wilderness, please click the following link:


Big Game Park 50th anniversary
in July 2014 Big Game Parks Swaziland celebrated their 50th anniversary in the presence of King Mswati II.
Corinne Itten who presented Comanis Foundation was personally invited.

Wild dog translocation

Wild dogs translocation
Comanis has sponsored in the last years several collars for this CKGR wild dog translocation project.

Special Comanis Gazette Nr. 2

Please have a look at the exciting work Comanis is recently involved with in a very special corner of the Kalahari.....
If you don't have a flashplayer you can use the following link:

Rhino Poaching

Rhino Poaching has become a big issue in the last three years. Please read the letter Michael Knight (well known conservationist) wrote to the Avaaz organisation, describing the complexity of this subject. It is good to read to have a broader understanding.
Rhino Poaching

Our new Comanis Gazette

Comanis Gazette

Zutshwa & Ngwatle Craft Project

Brochure ostrich egg jewelry (movie to be seen) Quicktime Player necessary

Craft Project
Comanis supported community project

Wild Dog Release Video

This Video was taken last August when 4 adult Wild Dogs and 3 pups where released into the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.

"The Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks believes in non-lethal methods of managing their predator populations and as such attempt to resolve predator human wildlife conflict by translocation carnivores that live outside of protected areas and predate livestock into protected areas"
filmed and edited by Sarah Kerr
Comanis foundation
Copyright Comanis[br]Source: http://